Sunday, September 21, 2014

Community & Collaboration

Since the last post, we have been discussing  designing online collaboration , some of the problems that may exist, and how a teacher can assess online collaboration. In my course outline, I do not have any online collaboration because my course happens in the classroom. I have taken many online courses and have trouble in just about everyone when it comes to a group collaboration project because some students do not like to help. I have seen where the students have tried to change the wiki around to look like  they did the work , but it plainly shows on their who published first with time and date. I know with building a community or online collaboration it can be hard for the teacher to know who did the most work, but using a wiki is the best tool because it documents every thing that is done in the wiki. I think that online collaboration is a great part of the class to be able to work with others from your home computer and all the tools that are available to make this happen.


  1. I'm not too fond of wikis but I do have to admit you are correct, it provides a tracking of who did what for the instructor to follow. I am not a fan of doing on line collaboration but I do think its a great tool, in the upper elementary grades. I think about the mind map we had to do in ED307, it was the one time I was happy I was forced to do it collaboratively. Emily and I had been a two man team for every thing and then we got Ken, thank goodness for Ken when we did the mind map. We forced him to be in charge. You were right some people are not always willing to carry their weight I think that is why I'm not a fan of collaboration unless I get someone like Emily and Ken. If each member of a team is given a certain assignment (part of the whole) and that part isn't complete, I think that's were a well written rubric comes into play. The teacher can grade each part and grade according to what the requirement stated in the rubric. In the article we had to read it said peer evaluation must be a part of the total grade, I think that is the thing I took most from the article. That type of evaluation would help cut back some of the problems you listed.

  2. Melissa,
    I agree that I normally always have problems getting people to participate equally when completing an online collaborative assignment. Like Elizabeth said, every now and then you can find those few people that are willing to participate in an assignement as much as you are. They normally make working collaborative very exciting and fun! Wiki... ughhh, those are my least favorite of all time; but I do agree that they are the best way to share information and be able to see who and when someone submitted something. Good luck on your Course Outline Assignment also!
