Sunday, September 28, 2014


This week we have been learning about engaging students and teacher in on-line classes . Engagement means active learning, problem-based learning, constructivism, and social cognition. These all mean that an instructor is present but it is student focused learning. We have also been finishing up our Course Outline Assignment for Dr. Gale to look at and give us feedback before the due date.

The item of interest that I have is online classes. I was not to fond of on-line classes when I first began, but I new the only way for me to get a degree and still be able to work. I have learned in the pass three years to not wait until an assignment is due to begin working on it. If I had one word of advice for students , DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!

The concern I have is in online classes how does the instructor make sure that students are understanding the information and not cheating on test. I know that Lock Down Browser, Web cam, and proctors are available, but that still does not assure that the students are not cheating. I have had a teacher make us drive to Athens, which is 4 hours for me, to take a test that last all of 30 minutes. I guess I will have to give open note test and make the final be given in the classroom with no notes to make sure students have understood all the information presented to them.


  1. I also started taking online classes so I could work fulltime! It is a lot and thankful it is also over! haha! Your advice is perfect.. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE is SOO true!! I have been up at 12am one too many times working on an assignment! haha Good Luck on the rest of your semester!

  2. Over my years in the military I had to do online classes because a general officer I worked for wanted me to get a graduate degree in military science. Our test were always proctored which made it difficult to cheat but we didn't have to travel like you did. The lock down makes it a little more difficult but the truth is, even in live classes students figure out ways to cheat. I wasn't fond of the online schooling but like you, I was a long way from anything. Since I only live 8 miles from ASU it made it easy for me to take as many classes as possible on campus. This technology minor has been a bit of a challenge because I tend to procrastinate but then I do that for any class. My brain doesn't start working until midnight. What I've found is the assessments that are the biggest challenge for me are those that have a time limit. My writing skills are terrible so I have to be solid on what ever it is I know we're going to be tested on. As much as I dislike writing it would be the method I would lean towards for assessment for one line courses. I have some homeschool students, I make them create a Glogster, or popplets because I'm looking for creative thinking not critical thinking. Dr. Gail makes us do a little of both, its what I like and dislike all at the same time about this class. You'll have to figure out where your comfort zone is for engaging your students. I'm sure you know there as many different ways to get students engaged as there are teachers teaching. I like how you did your blog, its not just a bunch of facts, it shows who your are, and that is what blogs are for; along with some facts. Good job.
